2019年度 卒業生のみなさまへ(式辞にかえて)


2019年度 卒業生のみなさまへ


本日、大阪総合デザイン専門学校を卒業される199名の皆さん ご卒業、誠におめでとうございます。



また留学生22名の皆さんに対しては、母国を離れ、言葉や文化、生活環境  が異なる 日本で専門分野を勉強することにチャレンジし、見事に今日の晴れの日を迎えられた能力の高さにも敬意を表したいと思います。



本日、卒業されるのは、コミックアート学科 104名、漫画学科 33名、ビジュアルクリエーター学科 12名、ビジュアルコミュニケーション学科 18名、インテリアデザイン学科 11名、ブランド創造学科 3名、タレント学科 18名の皆さんです。






今、中国を端緒とする新型コロナウィルス がついに 地球規模で蔓延し、世界中で 学校閉鎖や大規模イヴェントの中止が続くなど、人類が初めて経験する事態が進行しています。




危機に際しての言葉ではありませんが、不安に戸惑いやすい人々の日々の実践について、江戸時代の 佐藤一斎という先生がこのようなことを言っています。














これから始まる社会人としての生活において、皆さんの日々の努力が報われ、喜びと楽しみとときめきが満ち溢れますように。 皆さんのこれからの人生の糧となる、素敵な出会いが待っておりますように。  我々教職員は心から願います。








***************************************************************************校長  丸岡宏次




For 2019 graduates


Congratulations to all the 199 students who graduated from Osaka Sogo College of Design today. And sincerely congratulate to our parents as well.


I’d like to celebrate for the success of the 22 international students, that left their home country and challenged to study specialized fields in Japan where the language, culture, and living environment are differed.


This year’s graduation ceremony has to be canceled to prevent the spread of the new Corona virus infection. I want to apologize as a represent of the faculty and staff and ask for your understanding to giving congratulations in this way.


Today, 104 graduates of the Comic Art Department, 33 of the Manga Department, 12 of the Visual Creator Department, 18 of the Visual Communication Department, 11 of the Interior Design Department, 3 of the Brand Creation Department, and 18 of the Talent Department will be graduated.


May 1st, 2019 His Majesty the Emperor was reigned and his era changed to Reiwa.

While the beginning of a new era of Japan, natural disasters hit Japan continuously after another from the previous year. The northern Osaka earthquake in June 2018, heavy rain in western Japan in July, and typhoon No. 21 hit western Japan in September. And in October 2019, the largest typhoon No. 19 landed in the Kanto area.

An era where catastrophic events occur once in a hundred years, and things that are not ordinary become ordinary.


Now, a new Corona virus originating in China has finally spread on a global scale. School and large-scale events have been stopped all over the world.

Many people being worry, how should we do in situation like this?

So, this is the time you should listen to your ancestors.



It is not a word of the crisis, but a teacher of the Edo era named Issai Sato speaks about the daily practice of people who are easily confused by anxiety.


In a paraphrase, “Do not be foolish about what has already happened (because the past has not changed), do not struggle with overtake what has not happened yet (because no one knows the future), Instead of focusing on the past and the future, focus on the present (because it is the surest now).”

What the teachers of the Edo era said is that people have been struggling and worried about the future and have been caught in the unchangeable past.


When people concentrates on “here and now”, they change their minds to stop stopping and taking action. It does not mean “Taking action without prediction”, but your field of view becomes wider by taking action. Then, the mood would be suddenly changed and came up with new idea you never thought of. And you will be able to make higher-dimensional decisions.


I want all of you to focus on your present and work on what you need to do now.

You can open a book, work on a new idea, or maybe take a walk or go outside. Just try to act first!


Here are some words that show the power of action:


“Habits change if your daily behavior changes, personalities change if your habits change, fate changes if your personality changes.”


The future is full of anxiety, but that does not mean you need to be caught there. Do not struggle with overtake but being afraid of righteousness, you will focus on what you need to do now and accumulate each and every action. So you can say that your actions have the power to change your destiny in the future.


May your daily efforts be rewarded and full of joy, pleasure and crush in your life as an adult. I hope you will find a wonderful encounter that will be the source of your future life.



Last but not least, we wish our graduates a brilliant future and happiness,




March 18th, 2020

Osaka Sogo College of Design

Principal Maruoka Kouji












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